In this Sunday night sermon, we are brought to the scripture in which we find being brought by their parents, children are approaching Jesus. As they approach, the disciples rebuke the children’s parents. Then, Jesus rebukes the disciples in front of all who were present, and scooped the children up in his arms and blessed them.
The disciples had grown hard of heart, and were protective of Jesus’ time. Why should he waste his time on children who are small and not capable of caring for themselves? Much like the disciples, we tend to forget the importance of caring for others, regardless of how we judge their importance in our own lives. The disciples were under the impression that the children needed to act more like adults, but Jesus taught them that the opposite was true. Children live by faith that everything will be taken care of. As adults, we begin to try to take worries and woes unto ourselves and we lose the childlike faith that we need as Christians. Last, Jesus held the children instead of turning them away, to show the disciples a picture of love. As Christians, we should love those around us, regardless of how important or insignificant we think they are. Everyone is important to God.