In the heart of the city with a heart for your family

The Table Of Shewbread

The second sermon in the series, ‘Tabernacle In The Wilderness’, discusses the table of shewbread. The third article of furniture in the making of the tabernacle, the table of shewbread was made, just as the ark, of gold and wood. Not very long, and not very tall, the table normally only hosted one person, the priest.

The table of shewbread is a picture of the unending fellowship with God that we experience as born again Christians. The wood and gold used in making the table are the picture of the two sides of Jesus, man is represented by wood, and God is represented by the gold. The table’s sizing shows us that no matter what, God is never out of reach, and the priest shows us that only those who accept Christ and are cleansed can receive the fellowship that God has promised. Each and every part of the table told the story of Jesus and God’s willingness to fellowship with you and I.



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