In the heart of the city with a heart for your family

The Choice Of Faith

The first sermon in the new series, “Choices,” focuses on the choice of faith. In Ruth, we are introduced to a dark time in Israel. A famine has set in, and Elimelech has decided to uproot his family to Moab, an unclean place.

Although Elimelech intended only to stay in Moab a short time until the famine had passed, he wound up losing his life in the town of Moab. Elimelech had not prayed about his decision to uproot his family, and because of this, his family suffered the consequences. It is important for us as Christians to always make God the center of our focus in any decisions we make, whether big or small. God is our protector, and He will always lead us in the right direction, so long as we listen and obey.


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