In the heart of the city with a heart for your family

The Ark Of The Covenant

In the beginning of the new series, The Tabernacle In The Wilderness, Pastor Joshua Sharp explains the first piece in building the tabernacle in the wilderness, the ark of the covenant. God instructed Moses to build the ark of the covenant out of Acacia wood, lined with gold, and placed in the center of the tabernacle.

The ark was a representation of Jesus Christ. As Christians, Jesus should be first in our lives, as the ark was the first part of the tabernacle to be built. Jesus should be in our hearts and the center of our lives so that those around us can see Him, as the ark was placed in the center of the tabernacle for all to see. Just as the ark was given poles so that it could be carried from place to place, it is our responsibility to carry the word of Jesus Christ to the world.


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