August 16, 2020 Sunday Night Luke 8: 4-5 The Parable’s Problem The Parable’s Picture The Parable’s Principle
August 16, 2020 Sunday Night Luke 8: 4-5 The Parable’s Problem The Parable’s Picture The Parable’s Principle
August 16, 2020 Sunday Morning John 1: 35-51 The invitation to Come. The invitation to Follow. The invitation to Behold.
August 9, 2020 Sunday Morning John 1: 6-8 John and his witness. John and the water. John and the way.
August 5, 2020 Wednesday Night 2 Samuel 22 David sang because God delivered him. David sang because God rewarded him David sang because God empowered him. David sang because God established him.
August 2, 2020 Sunday Night Matthew 8: 14-15 Sickness The Savior The Servant
August 2, 2020 Sunday Morning John 1: 1-14 He is the Word. He is the Light.
July 26, 2020 Sunday Morning Ephesians 6: 10-18 The Soldier’s Sword The Soldier’s Source
July 19, 2020 Sunday Night Nehemiah 2: 1-5 Rebuilding comes with realization. Rebuilding takes a group effort. Rebuilding should be done with jo.
July 19, 2020 Sunday Morning Ephesians 6:10-18 A Soldier’s Power The Soldier’s Protection
July 12, 2020 Sunday Morning Ephesians 6: 11-14 Be perceptive about the serpent. Be perceptive about the strategy. Be perceptive against the stand.