November 1, 2020 Sunday Morning John 5 Jesus said “I am God” Jesus said “I am Life” Jesus said “I am Truth”
November 1, 2020 Sunday Morning John 5 Jesus said “I am God” Jesus said “I am Life” Jesus said “I am Truth”
October 28, 2020 Wednesday Night
October 25, 2020 Sunday Night Luke 10: 25-37 A neighbor has compassion on his fellow man. A neighbor displays care for his fellow man. A neighbor does not count the cost when it comes to helping others.
October 25, 2020 Sunday Morning John 5 Act 1: An Amazing Miracle Takes Place Act 2: An Angry Mob Forms
October 21, 2020 Wednesday Night 1 Kings 6
October 18, 2020 Sunday Morning John 4: 43-54 The Father The Faith The Fulfillment
October 14, 2020 Wednesday Night Bro Rick Clayton Daniel 6: 10
Sunday Evening Bro. Lee Severt Exodus 12: 1-13
October 11, 2020 Sunday Morning Matthew 16: 13-17
October 7, 2020 Wednesday Night I Kings 5 The materials necessary for the work. The laborers needed to build the house.