April 11, 2021 Sunday Morning John 20 and 21 The Disciples: The resurrection gives us the power of peace. Thomas: The resurrection gives us the power of confidence. Peter: The resurrections gives us the power of another chance.
April 11, 2021 Sunday Morning John 20 and 21 The Disciples: The resurrection gives us the power of peace. Thomas: The resurrection gives us the power of confidence. Peter: The resurrections gives us the power of another chance.
April 4, 2021 Sunday Morning John 20 Joseph and Nicodemus – Tell the story of the burial. Peter and John – Tell the story of the resurrection. Mary Magdalene – Tells the story of the ascension. Thomas – Tells the story of faith.
March 28, 2021 Sunday Morning John 18 & 19 Annas and Caiaphas – a picture of rejection Pilate – a picture of indecisiveness Jesus Christ – a picture of forgiveness
March 21, 2021 Sunday Morning John 18 Judas: A story of grief Peter: A story of grace
March 14, 2021 Sunday Morning John 17 Jesus Prays for Himself (he leaves us the gift of life). Jesus Prays for the Disciples (he gives them the gift of his word). Jesus Prays for Us (he gives us the gift of his glory).
March 7, 2021 Sunday Morning John 16 The Holy Spirit will comfort you. The Holy Spirit will convict you. The Holy Spirit will convey to you.
February 28, 2021 Sunday Morning John 15 God left us a commandment to love. God left us an invitation to pray. God left a promise that he won’t leave you forever.
February 21, 2021 Sunday Morning John 13 Jesus the Servant Judas the Scoundrel
February 14, 2021 Sunday Morning John 12 The Lord’s Triumphant Ride (The Declaration) The Lord’s Gentile Visitors (The Delegation) The Lord’s Call to Believe (The Decision)
February 7, 2021 Sunday Morning The cost of Mary’s offering. The comprehension of Mary’s offering. The criticism of Mary’s offering.