In the heart of the city with a heart for your family

Conversion At The Home Of Cornelius

In the tenth chapter of Acts we meet a very interesting man. The man’s name is Cornelius. Cornelius we are told was a devout man, a praying man, and a giving man. We also learn that Cornelius was a lost man. In this chapter God prepares the way of salvation in the home of Cornelius by preparing his heart while simultaneously preparing the heart of Peter.

The salvation of Cornelius was a wonderful event. Any time someone is saved it is wonderful. When a house gets saved like Cornelius’ did that is wonderful. It is even more wonderful however that God opened the way of salvation to the Gentiles in this chapter. In Acts 10 the “middle wall of partition” is broken down between Jew and Gentile. God is no respector of persons and is offering salvation to all that believe upon His name.


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